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Project Orion Reviews


About Project Orion

4.7 Stars

Project Orion™ is a Minecraft plugin training for Bukkit, Spigot and Paper.

Project Orion

I learned everything I know about java in here it was quite fun and good experience. I didn't know anything about java when I first started the course most things that I thought quite hard about java was easy when you learn from Matej :) You can rea...

Project Orion

In my case, I was looking for a good way to start coding better Minecraft plugins. All i could find on the internet were either outdated YouTube tutorials or very incomplete tutorials (like there was a part 1, 2 and 3, but the rest was missing / not ...

Project Orion

As someone who sat on the fence for almost a year before buying, I can say beyond a reasonable doubt that this is the best course on making plugins that you can spend your money and time on!! I have learned some much over the past few weeks that its ...

Project Orion

If you need something that is more then a tutorial that is REALLY REALLY REALLY in depth then Project Orion is for you. From the basics of Java to creating how minigames work, this is for you.

Project Orion

If you're relying on old or bad quality YouTube videos I would personally recommend you to try out MineAcademy. It's the place where you can learn how to code in Java, and make Minecraft plugins from setting setting up the plugins for the IDE to s...

Project Orion

MineAcademy changed my (coding) life! In the summer of 2020, I decided to make a start with coding. In August 2020 I watched my first youtube tutorials and learned a bit of Bukkit's API. I did not understand what I was doing, and I even had no Java ...

Select Your Goal

All programs come with pre-recorded content, live classes and require no previous experience.
Learn to create your own menus
Learn Java & Minecraft plugin development
Learn networking & system administration
Learn Forge & Minecraft mod development