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Customer Reviews

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Average 4.7 Stars

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Project Orion

Project Orion is an exceptional course that has transformed my Minecraft plugin development journey. The well-structured lessons and engaging tutorials made it a breeze to learn, even for a beginner like me. Thanks to Project Orion, I've created mult...

Project Orion

Project Orion is an amazing course, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get into minecraft development. I have made 3 plugins since doing this course, those are: Teams plugin (Fully GUI controlled), A server core with many features like ...

Project Orion

I joined Project Orion a few years ago as I found myself running into numerous roadblocks while starting work on a minigame server. I already had past java experience separate from Minecraft, but my experience in Minecraft servers were limited and I ...

Project Orion

I learned a lot. Really. I not only liked programming, it became my passion. I started studying computer science at the university. I have my first experience in the IT market. Yet it's more than just a Minecraft course. I learned from it how to pla...

Project Orion

Project orion helped me improve my basics, and basically jump started my plugin making. I was already making plugins before I took this course and it just taught me more things.

Project Orion

Project Orion was a fantastic way to get into Minecraft coding and plugins. What first started off as a project in that I would help a friend with a server quickly turned into a passion that allowed me to create plugins for a server that I play on wi...

Project Orion

Good way to get started writing your own code

Project Orion

Project Orion is more than just Minecraft coding tutorials it provides you with additional courses besides Minecraft to help succeeding being a successful developer. I myself already had my own plugin and through this course I learned additional info...

Project Orion

In your own words, please write how was your honest experience in Project Orion and what specific results you've achieved from this program. We recommend leaving a link to your GitHub or other repository in case you've made your projects public so th...

Project Orion

Project Orion is great for anyone, from people with little/no java or development experience to people who are fluent in java, I am sure you will learn something. They teach far more than just how to code plugins here.

Project Orion

I believe this course is for anyone looking to learn Java besides Minecraft Plugin Development. Get through the "Boring / Learning stuff" to get to the juicy stuff. Take your time and ACTUALLY learn it and you will get your moneys worth. Learn Miniga...

Project Orion

It has been quite awhile since ive used this but from what i remember the starting videos were very well done and thorough but I never got that far into the course because of motivation issues

Select Your Goal

All programs come with pre-recorded content, live classes and require no previous experience.
Learn to create your own menus
Learn Java & Minecraft plugin development
Learn networking & system administration
Learn Forge & Minecraft mod development