- Due to restraining policies, targeted harassment and hostile management, in December 2020 we have moved away from to
- After we left, our SpigotMC account “kangarko” was banned. SpigotMC has censored our migration information and edited out the link to BuiltByBit to inform our buyers where to continue accessing our resources as it deemed it as advertising. To date, we are not allowed to communicate our migration with the buyers on the site.
- We’re continuing the development of ChatControl, Boss, CoreArena, Confiscate and Winter which you can find at
- If you bought these plugins on SpigotMC you are entitled for a free license transfer until December 31, 2023. Click here to migrate.
It’s been 3 years since we’ve left SpigotMC and consequently, our account has been banned.
I decided to write an updated article as a means to clear up disinformation and explain our side of the story because every week for the last 3 years people are still coming to us regarding this.
The reason we left SpigotMC was not a single incident, but rather a cumulative way we felt we were treated since opening our SpigotMC account in 2013.
Your Efforts Are Irrelevant
On December 2020, our plugin ChatControl was about to be rewritten.
I thought it’d be fair to ask a $9.99 upgrade fee considering many people purchased it as far back as 2015 and were still demanding of my time and support.
After weeks of a dragged-out approval process, I received a very hostile response from Michael Dardis, known as md_5, the founder and owner of SpigotMC:

We’re Entitled To Control The Platform As We Wish
This was not the first time resources were getting rejected without breaking terms of SpigotMC, simplify because of dis-favor by their management.
We’ve been attacked by members of SpigotMC with no action from their management and defamatory statements coming almost every week for the most ridiculous of actions, such as when I requested my personal username “kangarko” to be changed to “mineacademy” since it now represented a company.
The rejection of publishing the resource was the final straw, so we’ve decided to move to another platform.
In retaliation for leaving SpigotMC and posting a link to the new site, our account was banned overnight. The stated reason was advertising, which is understandable, but we were given no option to inform the buyers of the migration.
Only the part of the announcement mentioning end of support on SpigotMC was kept which to date gives the impression that we’ve stopped developing, which is both malicious and misleading by SpigotMC.
SpigotMC Issues A Statement “On Recent Events”
I so wrote an article addressing my long-term frustration against SpigotMC.
In a thumbnail we jokingly replaced the actual ban reason with a quote from SpigotMC founder, perhaps explaining his motive for his hostile behavior to premium plugin authors on his site:
After posting my article, a swift counter-statement was issued by SpigotMC. Michael, md_5, took this as an opportunity to discredit me and claim that the joke thumbnail was used as a real image.
SpigotMC took our thumbnail from our article without providing context, without providing the link to our original article, without providing any references at all and decided to censor all mentions of mineacademy or future references on site.
Furthermore, their statement claimed that multiple accounts were opened, framing us in a bad way. We did open a “kangarkodemo” account for testing purposes after getting consent from Michael, md_5 specifically. has confused thousands of buyers and provided misleading claims, to the point where even its own staff members were misinformed about why we have left.
In the example below, one of SpigotMC’s staff member makes a judgment about alleged malware in our plugins thinking it was the reason we got suspended, and provides a correction afterwards, going from “would not feel safe running the plugin” to “I found ChatControl to be a feature-filled plugin of the highest quality”.
Unfortunately, the correction took almost half a year.
This is to show how terrible SpigotMC’s management and communication is, even between its own staff members, and how quickly lies spread:

Why You Should Move Away From SpigotMC
My decision to move away from SpigotMC on December 2020 was not based on a single event.
Our account on SpigotMC has been active since 2013, and below are some things I feel are compelling reasons for why you should too consider moving away from SpigotMC:
1. Hostile And Arrogant Management
In the 7 years of the platform I felt I was constantly being treated with arrogance and straight-up hostility every time we needed to contact support. In short, we were being treated like garbage.
A similar thing happened with Forge, one of the biggest Minecraft modding platforms. Due to poor attitude of its founder, his entire development team left him and created their own modding platform.
The following responses were later clarified to be a “joke”, but I still think it appropriately reflects the attitude of the founder and some of his staff at SpigotMC:
It’s not only me who has noticed SpigotMC’s inappropriate treatment of its users.

2. SpigotMC Will Not Remove Fake Reviews
SpigotMC removed the ability to report false reviews and will not assist authors in mitigating false reviews, trolling and misinformation on their platform.
Source: Official SpigotMC Rules
3. SpigotMC Allows Piracy & Won’t Ban Leakers
SpigotMC has rules against anti-piracy in plugins preventing plugin authors from implementing basic protections in their plugins.
Plugin piracy is a problem for (small) authors that demotivates and discourages them from working on their own plugins.
SpigotMC staff will remove the mentions of a leak site and take no action even if you provide evidence of a specific user leaking your resources.
We understand that a lot of evidence can be manipulated by editing Java’s bytecode, however, we respectfully disagree with their hands-off policy and silent agreement to the piracy issue.
4. SpigotMC Allows Refund Fraud Which Can Get Your PayPal Suspended
People have been abusing the PayPal dispute system knowing that SpigotMC takes no action and denies responsibility for handling transactions on their site.
Multiple people having their PayPal account suspended have never been properly addressed nor attempted to resolve the matter by SpigotMC.
“Do not contact us regarding this resource for any reason” states their official guidelines when attempting to purchase a premium resource. Another example of pretty much non-existent customer support:

5. SpigotMC Runs On Vulnerable Forum Software Abandoned Since 2019
SpigotMC runs on Xenforo 1, which has not been receiving security updates since 2019.
In fact, my own account got hacked once with our paypal account being changed.
And it was not due to a weak password, I have received a private message from SpigotMC’s staff regarding a security breach.
SpigotMC has no interest in migrating to Xenforo 2, with md_5 claiming “As much as I hate to say it, not for a very long time. The cost would be well over about $2,000 USD”. If they are so cheap putting an entire platform at risk, that alone should tell you enough why they attacked us so much when we begun selling trainings commercially.
/That was in 2019, I was not able to find a more recent statement, please comment below with more up-to-date information./
6. SpigotMC Fails To Mitigate The Cyberbullying Of Minors
Officially, SpigotMC has rules against harassment, but in reality, they are applied inconsistently.
We had been harassed in large public threads on at least two occasions, and they were given no attention by moderators for weeks before they were finally removed.
Users such as Lax have a long history of targeted harassment of forum members and are still allowed on the platform.
Users such as Michael (known as clrxbl) have organized targeted harassment against us for months on end and involved in a bunch of despicable actions, such as taking an image of my face, distorting it in photoshop and setting it as a profile picture on a forum.
He’s further engaged in death wishes, inciting for DDoS and calling for hack attempts. The following are just a few short excerpts from PaperMC Discord server (both PaperMC and SpigotMC has failed to take any action to remove these individuals from their platforms and these messages still exist to this day).

Furthermore, Michal and his bully group has purchased a domain and organized a group to spread hateful and defamatory statements:

While we were able to remove the false claims about non-payment to employees, the hateful statements remained well until 2023 when we finally acquired the domain.
SpigotMC was well aware of these attacks and did not take action to prevent these people to continue to post derogatory statements against us on its own forums and Discord.
Most of the Minecraft community consists of minors. As a future parent, I don’t want to see my children being bullied while discussing their favorite game online.
While I recognize the large amount of SpigotMC visitors and that it’s impossible to police every corner of any community at all times, in the 7 years being active on SpigotMC, we have seen negligence for the trolling and bullying of us and many of SpigotMC users more than on any other Minecraft platform, including large ones such as MinecraftForum.
Closing Note
We have been banned for advertising MineAcademy online programs and a competitor marketplace where we have moved. Any other forum would do the same as advertising competitor sites is not allowed.
I wrote this article not to blame SpigotMC for the ban, but to point at how we have been treated by SpigotMC for years and to provide our side to the story how we feel their management is treating their long-term contributors.
Look what happened to Forge in July 2023. At Forge, people have been tired of the lack of progress and the attitude of its founder, so they left and started their own project NeoForge.
And unless some dramatic management changes will take place, SpigotMC will be remembered as the great Minecraft server software running in 2012-2018 with the iconic orange forum. So long, and thanks for all the fish.