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Boss Review By Gigorahk

Boss Review By Gigorahk


I started with this plugin totally enthralled at it. Why, because it was everything I was looking for. Until I downloaded it and realized it didn’t do what I wanted.

First off, I’ve tried using this on my server for months and was never successful in it. Even when you put a monster to spawn 100% of the time in a world it would still only be converted about 60% of the time.

I dreamed of creating an area players could go to grind tough mobs and collect sick loot. However, the reality is that you have virtually no control over mob spawning. I mean you can convert mobs but I couldn’t get that feature to ever do 100% conversion, or you could have a global timer that spawned mobs. But still, there was never a simple (Spawn mobs every x second) button for individual mobs or areas. Instead you had to deal with percents, conversions, and global spawning.

The plugin does many things great but the spawning was just horrible if I’m too be honest. If the dev can get a good custom spawner feature added and fix the conversion issues I’d be super excited.

Another issue I found is that there are two tags for mob health. There is one for health and one for maximum health. It seems you have to adjust both of them and they are in separate menus.

I’ve contacted the dev like a month ago or more with this suggestion and he hasn’t gotten back to me so I don’t know. The plugin is so close to being good. It just needs better spawning and more customization, especially with individual skill cooldowns for bosses and not just global limitations.

What Is Boss?

The easiest way to bring custom monsters to your server (without scripting).

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