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Project Orion Review By Sam Wilkins

Project Orion Review By Sam Wilkins


The course actually exceeded my expectations and I started having great success even just a few months after completing both Java masterclass and Project Orion. I took on a load of mainly plugin service commissions and I think my proudest moment was making £60 from a single plugin. I think in total I made a few hundred but it wasn’t anything crazy nor would I of considered myself a “professional” at that point.

This success came at an inconvenient time, however, because I was just starting college in the UK and I couldn’t justify devoting so much time into making Minecraft plugins when I had bigger ambitions ahead of me. And I think that’s always been a barrier for me, I sometimes put too much on my plate and becomes hard to balance everything and that’s when I start losing motivation.

Good news, though, my college exams finish in about a month and then it’s like 3 months of summer before I go to uni so after seeing this new upgraded course I thought it could be a good opportunity to focus more of my time into it. In summary, this course gave me the potential to really fly in the Minecraft coding community and I think with the right motivation and situation in terms of free time, I could make more money by making plugins than I do at my current job and I’d be much happier doing so.

As someone who is very passionate about both coding and Minecraft, this course was the perfect kick-start that I needed to get a foot in the community and actually start making money! I learned everything I needed to in a logical way and the support and sense of community within the course is brilliant. Consider this course as an investment, and you’ll get out what you put in.

What Is Project Orion?

Project Orion™ is a Minecraft plugin training for Bukkit, Spigot and Paper.

Select Your Goal

All programs come with pre-recorded content, live classes and require no previous experience.
Learn to create your own menus
Learn Java & Minecraft plugin development
Learn networking & system administration
Learn Forge & Minecraft mod development