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CoreArena Review By Diamond_X

CoreArena Review By Diamond_X


This review will be based on Version: 1.4.15

Are you looking for a arena plugin that gives great customisability and easy to understand? Then I can honestly suggest this plugin.

I can safely say it is very easy to understand on how to setup, I did not have to look into any wikior how-to to understand what to do, and how to do it. This is a very good improvement compared to some other plugins on Spigot, where sometimes you don’t understand how to configure a plugin even when you check back on the plugin’s “How-to”

Alongside the ease of use, if you would come into any issues regarding the plugin you could easily private message the author and he will reply to you as soon as he can, he is very friendly and will listen to suggestions and bugs found, whether that’d be a typo or an error.

The Physics engine implemented in this plugin is A-M-A-ZING. It gives a really nice touch to it and setting it up is made super simple with snapshot feature which let’s you take a copy of the clean arena and one of the arena when you, yourself destroy it to the extend you want it to be, this prevents things being destroyed you don’t want to be destroyed.

The implemented shop is again a super nice addition as it allows players to buy items in a nice shop GUI that you would normally give out by commands.

You are allowed to place as many mob spawn points as you want, and you can add any mob you want and even specify on what phase (wave) they start spawning so you could easily have a “Boss” round with all sorts of mobs.



– Easy setup
– Customisable
– Integrated shop and currency
– lag-less experience
– Physics (Hell yeah?)
– Price
– Can be paired up with other plugins stated in the description
– Many more

There are a few things I feel would contribute to the plugin as a whole. I will contact the developer with this and am positive these suggestions will be added.

Should you buy this plugin?

If you are looking for a easy to use, very customisable and very clean coded with amazing support plugin that controls mob arenas then,

Yes, yes you should.

If anyone has any questions for me about my review or before they buy the product you can always private message me and I’ll see if I can answer your question.

In any case, thank you for the excellent plugin, this sets the bar very high for any competitor.

What Is CoreArena?

Get big network minigame experience to your server and magnetize players.
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