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ChatControl Review By ScottGB

ChatControl Review By ScottGB


My bungee network has been using this plugin for a few months now. We’ve loved the experience with the setup process, as it was so simple, but yet so customisable! Actual use of the plugin was marvelous, we had replaced about 6-7 plugins with ChatControl. Broadcasts, custom join messages, admin chat, swear filter, ad filter, etc. It has also given us the ability to connect all our bungee servers to each other more with bungee chat being the default. One the first week of 1.9, when this wasn’t updated, our staff team freaked out, because everything this plugin did (swear block, etc.) didn’t work, and we couldn’t quite control the chat anymore, so thanks for that!

By far the BEST chat management plugin that works with Bungee cord.
Thanks for the support + keep updating!

~Scott, TMM Gaming

What Is ChatControl?

ChatControl is a Minecraft plugin that’ll help you format & filter your chat, fight spam, ads, swears or even bots on your server.