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Learn Java With Minecraft - A Complete Training With 1:1 Mentoring

(Build your first app in 24 hours without natural talent or previous coding skills)
Java training

What Is Java Masterclass™

The goal

Learn Java coding by making real apps and selling them.

Training length

4 weeks of training plus live coaching 2x/week.


Java is an economy and location independent skill. Entry-level developers earn 100k/year.

Who is this for

Beginners to intermediates, and people whose English is not their native language.

"From Beginner To Picking Up Java Easily"

When I signed up for this course I was an absolute beginner in Java. Matej has helped me pick up this language very easily. 

The fact that I’ve managed to improve my Minecraft server while learning is just a bonus. 

There’s something magical in hearing a player ask for something to be added to the game, and then writing your own plugin to give them something unique instead of copying the same plugins other servers use.

-Donnavan De Groot

Stop Wasting Time Learning Java

Most Java courses are filled with theory designed to waste your time learning what you don’t need.

“I just don’t have a talent for coding…”

Most of Java resources are written by theorist who can’t explain things for people who’ve never coded before.

This leaves you demotivated thinking you just don’t have it, where in reality you’ve just been taught it all wrong (like myself).

Many YouTube tutorials or Udemy classes are disorganized, unsupported and lacking explanations for WHY the code does what it does.  

You want to be making your own apps after all, not just copying code.

Moreover, the vast majority of things you’ll learn in a traditional education you won’t need.

After 11 years and 15,000+ hours of writing Java apps, I CREATED a better way…

Java Masterclass™ gives you access to our coaches 2x week where you can get your code reviewed and ask any questions…

Join The Fast-Track Java Training

Skip sitting through hours of broken advice and master Java in weeks, not years.

Contrary to popular belief, this is what learning to code does NOT require:

We use Minecraft video-game to make learning coding simple, and fun.

You will be creating real-life applications in Java called plugins which can sell and earn money on the fly. It’s fast, it’s fun, and most of all, you’re getting 6-figures skills in weeks, not years.

"Better Understanding & Less Frustration"

I was self-taught and immediately surrounded by bad techniques and habits. When I bought Java Masterclass, I was immediately shocked and found out that I have to re-learn a bunch of topics and do them properly. 

Learning the basics of Java allowed me to have a better understanding and less frustration when I decided to take a 2-year High Level Computer Science course in High School.

After I completed Java Masterclass, I went on my own way to develop my mini-game Minecraft plugins. 

-Chris Franco

Introducing Java Masterclass™

World’s most in-depth and fastest Java training program for beginners.

Java training

A Complete Java SDK Training

This is not your typical "how to code" tutorial. After 2,000+ students took our program, we've designed it to perfectly fit with your goals without wasting any time.

1. A full Java SDK training: Understand why the code works on a deep level (down to the bytecode) so you can turn any idea into a reality.

2. Tools of titans: We're working with JetBrains to give you IntelliJ Ultimate paid license to top development tools used by Google Developers.

3. Rapid development: How to see code changes instantly WITHOUT having to reload the program - saving you hours of time per day!

4. AI: How to use ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot to help you generate code on-the-fly and save weeks of architecting programs.

We'll show you how to setup your computer and start writing code regardless of your previous experience (even if you've never coded anything before).

Understand "Why" Things Work

Get confidence in Java syntax so that you understand packages, classes, fields, variables and methods.

Learn how to store data either in the temporary computer memory or permanently on the disk - and even how to download or upload stuff to the Internet.

Upload your code to GitHub, so you can share your creation with friends or the public (or have us review it).

Our training covers all the "traditionally" taught concepts such as conditions, operators, loops, making and solving program errors in a fun, plain English way suitable for beginners or people whose English is not their first language.

Get Highest Coding Standards

Learning poor coding practices will cost you years to unlearn and spaghetti code will produce hard-to-catch errors and make it impossible to collaborate on a project.

After 11+ years in Java programming we have designed our training to give you the highest coding standards in the industry.

So you can provide a clean, readable and sustainable code, spot and fix bad practices and land international IT positions with ease.

Dozens of books have been writing on bad code. We’ve compressed  thousands of pages of theory into “simple English” module so that anyone can programs that don’t suck.

Get Java Masterclass™

Master Java by playing Minecraft and create real-life game apps you can sell right away. Covered by our 30-day money back guarantee.

Here's What People Say

Mikolaj Is Getting International Clients

Mikolaj got a contract for a coding job and works for clients in Germany. It’s a job he finally enjoys and has a lot of opportunities in the space.

Mikolaj enrolled in our trainings two years ago and have used the program to learn Java and Minecraft plugin coding, such as NMS tablist he is showing.

Tijn Created Socket Communication System

Tijn collaborated with another MineAcademy member and co-authored Hypixel prestiges plugin. 

Tijn developed a standalone Java socket library, packets API, custom Java reflection API, standalone image sorter program and many of his unique templates.

Get Java Masterclass™

Master Java by playing Minecraft and create real-life game apps you can sell right away. Covered by our 30-day money back guarantee.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

30-day money back guarantee image

We guarantee that by following our training you will code a fully working Java application in 30 days - even if you never coded anything before.

Regardless of your level of experience.
Our process behind such a bold guarantee combines our learning platform, personalized help, private community and materials to help you on demand.

And if you go through the training without seeing results, you owe us absolutely nothing. Simply contact us at [email protected] within 30 days of your purchase and we will give you a prompt and courteous refund.

Live Coaching 2x Per Week

We’ll Review Your Plugin Live 2X/Week To Ensure Maximum Quality And Learning

Here’s what Aikar, author of one of the most popular Minecraft mod platforms Paper said about our trainings:

Customer feedback feedback screenshot from Aikar

In addition to the pre-recorded training, every week our instructors are sitting down with YOU to answer ANY questions (no matter if they are “beginner-like”)

Even if you don’t have a microphone you can chat and get answers in real-time. 

Special Offer - JetBrains Premium License

Companies like Google or NASA use software from JetBrains to write amazing programs. We work with JetBrains so now you can too!

With Java Masterclass you will get a FULL 4-month license for any JetBrains paid product (IntelliJ Ultimate, PHPStorm or PyCharm, etc.)! The coupon codes that we provide are for personal subscriptions that can be used by individual developers

And after the 4-month period, JetBrains provides a 40% discount on any purchase you choose.

Get JetBrains licenses image
Everyday Price: 16.90€ * 4 Months = 67.6€


30-Day Money Back Guarantee

30-day money back guarantee image

We guarantee that by following our training you will code a fully working Java application in 30 days - even if you never coded anything before.

Regardless of your level of experience.
Our process behind such a bold guarantee combines our learning platform, personalized help, private community and materials to help you on demand.

And if you go through the training without seeing results, you owe us absolutely nothing. Simply contact us at [email protected] within 30 days of your purchase and we will give you a prompt and courteous refund.

Get Java Masterclass™

Master Java by playing Minecraft and create real-life game apps you can sell right away. Covered by our 30-day money back guarantee.

Select Your Goal

All programs come with pre-recorded content, live classes and require no previous experience.
Learn to create your own menus
Learn Java & Minecraft plugin development
Learn networking & system administration
Learn Forge & Minecraft mod development